Sunday, January 4, 2009

About the reviews...

Here's how my reviews work, as I've devised my own reviewing system. Actually, to be honest, it's a complete and total rip-off of the same reviewing system we use over at Planet Half-Life, but with my own personal touch:

A game review is based on five categories: Graphics (how the game looks), Sound (the quality of the game's sounds and voice acting), Gameplay (Is the game fun to play? Is it addicting? Does it tear you away from family, friends, or other worthwhile activities? Etc, etc, etc), Replay Value (after you've beaten the game, would you play it again and how much?), and finally 1337ness (the overall score which averages all of the previous categories).

Like many other review sites, games receive a score out of five possible points. The score will, of course, be given in Chuck Norris heads, since Chuck Norris personifies 1337ness. Don't argue.

Chuck Norris: 1337ness.

For example, a game that I would consider to be perfect (or so damn close it's not even funny) would look like this:




Replay Value:


Obviously, a game that sucked would not get nearly as many Chuck Norris heads, and therefore would not be nearly as 1337 as the game reviewed above. I'm hoping that I'll find a way to make the Chuck Norris heads look a little more uniform in size and location, so it doesn't look so ghetto.

Keep in mind that I only review games that I've played, owned, or am interested in, which are mostly first-person shooters. There's no way in hell you'll find anything like Final Fantasy games or any other kind of Anime/Manga crap, so don't hold your breath. That stuff's for losers anyway - you're better than that.

Thanks again for stopping by!


  1. Chuck Norris recently had the idea to sell his urine as a canned beverage. We know this beverage as Red Bull.

  2. This is true. He also built the house he was born in.
